Although I’m not a massive footy fan, I’m looking forward to going to the World Cup in Brazil where I’ll be working as a switcher support expert. Sony have supplied all the cameras and switchers for the tournament – that amounts to 36 switchers and over 300 cameras! With 12 venues, it’s a huge logistical exercise.
This is the view round the back of a single MVS 7000. Now imagine cabling up 3 switchers, plus the router, all the necessary audio, comms and monitoring, and squeezing it into a shipping container. Test everything works, then repeat 12 times – one studio per venue – and ship it all to the locations in Brazil. Earlier this year the studios were put together in Munich, where I configured all the switchers – I saw plenty of this menu
Next time I see one of these switchers, it will be in Brazil – fingers crossed that everything works first time!